This was the title track of Vic's 1993 LP and the idea for the lyrics apparently came to Vic in a dream. Vic was originally in at the beginning of punk rock with his band 'The Subway Sect'. They debuted at the 100 Club, London in 1976 but were not really a punk band at all as they were more influenced by French Pop, Northern Soul & The Velvet Underground.Vic was always the centre point of the group and was once decribed by Edwyn Collins (ex Orange Juice) as ' the best songwriter of his generation'. The Sects second 45' 'Ambition' sold 20,000 copies and topped the indie charts for nine weeks. Due to line up changes and contractual problems Vic quit the music scene for awhile and joined the GPO (as was) in 1986 to begin another life as a postie. This is where the R&RD met him as he often played in the same Postal football team as Vic who was as laconic and laid back on the field as he was off it. This could also be the only song ever written that mentions Effingham ! (although not the junction to disappoint those railways buffs out there)

'From the Carshalton Beeches to Godalming - There'll be Colonels called Carruthers crying in their gin'
All recordings are for your audio pleasure only but if you are offended by the material or want the audio segment removed then please leave me a comment on the relevant post and I will remove it.
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